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Video Details


Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • P.O.V: Two Towns of Jasper

    On June 7, 1998, three white men from Jasper, Texas, chained African-American James Byrd to a pick-up truck and dragged him until his body disintegrated. This powerful documentary takes you to the white and black communities as it records their separate reactions to the most vicious racially motivated murder in the last 50 years. Two Towns of Jasper provides an unprecedented opportunity to see the divisions that separate one person from another.

    Length: 01:26:54
  • P.O.V.: What I Want My Words to Do to You

    This program offers an unprecedented look into the hearts and minds of the women inmates of New York's Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. The film goes inside a writing workshop led by playwright Eve Ensler, consisting of 15 women, most of whom were convicted of murder. The women delve into and expose the most terrifying places in themselves, as they grapple with the nature of their crimes and their own culpability. The film culminates in an emotionally charged prison performance of the women's writing by acclaimed actresses Glenn Close, Marisa Tomei, Rosie Perez, Hazelle Goodman and Mary Alice.

    Length: 01:20:15



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