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Video Details

Finest Hour: Battle of Britain

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Finest Hour: Battle of Britain Pt.1 - World Story WWII

    This program offers an intimate perspective on events in 1940, when Hitler had Europe at his mercy and Britain stood alone. From Spitfire pilots to teenage evacuees, from Coventry firemen to women and children caught up in the horror of the Blitz, FINEST HOUR recalls in personal and vivid detail the story of that dark and dramatic time when the destiny of the world hung in balance.

    Length: 01:48:41
  • Finest Hour: Battle of Britain, Pt.2 - World Story WWII

    This program offers an intimate perspective on events in 1940, when Hitler had Europe at his mercy and Britain stood alone. From Spitfire pilots to teenage evacuees, from Coventry firemen to women and children caught up in the horror of the Blitz, FINEST HOUR recalls in personal and vivid detail the story of that dark and dramatic time when the destiny of the world hung in balance.

    Length: 01:48:46



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