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Video Details

Frank Lloyd Wright

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Fine Arts - Visual Arts
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Frank Lloyd Wright, Pt.1

    Frank Lloyd Wright was the greatest of all American architects. He was an authentic American genius, a man who believed he was destined to redesign the world, creating everything anew. Wright's buildings and his ideas changed the way we live, work and see the world around us. With exquisite live cinematography, fascinating interviews, and rare archival footage, this riveting film brings Wright's unforgettable story to life.

    Length: 01:24:45
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, Pt.2

    Frank Lloyd Wright was the greatest of all American architects. He was an authentic American genius, a man who believed he was destined to redesign the world, creating everything anew. Wright's buildings and his ideas changed the way we live, work and see the world around us. With exquisite live cinematography, fascinating interviews, and rare archival footage, this riveting film brings Wright's unforgettable story to life.

    Length: 01:16:18



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