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A Peoples' History of Utah series

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

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  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 01: Utah-the Place

    Describes the physiographic characteristics of the basin and range province, the Colorado Plateau and the Middle Rocky Mountain Region. Discusses the habitable and hospitable features of the land--significantly the availability of water to sustain settlements. Includes memorable impressions of the land from some of the first settlers to come to these regions.

    Length: 00:28:53
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 02: The First Utahns

    Characterizes the inhabitants of prehistoric Utah in relation to their environment. Speculates on their origins, presents evidence of their development, and compares their evolving lifestyles. Helps develop an understanding and appreciation for the manner in which they utilized the resources they found in their harsh basin and range environment. Offers meaning and insight to the study of these peoples and their lifestyles.

    Length: 00:27:00
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 03: Utah's Indians and the Spaniards

    Highlights the 1776-77 Dominguez-Escalante expedition into the then uncharted area that constitutes present-day Utah. Dramatizes, to a limited degree, the odyssey of these Spanish priests through Utah. Recounts their impressions of the area and its early Shoshonean inhabitants. Demonstrates that although they individually affected little change in the lifestyles of these early Native Americans, Spaniards in general affected great change by introducing the horse into the area.

    Length: 00:28:17
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 04: Utah's First Bonanza

    Examines the historical impact of the fur trade on the eventual white settlement of Utah. Investigates the reasons for the exploration of the Rocky Mountain region by trappers and traders. Emphasizes that, although attracted by a particular resource and remaining in the area only until that resource was exhausted or its demand diminished, these businessmen had a great influence on later settlement of the area.

    Length: 00:23:18
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 05: A Peculiar People

    Focuses on aspects of the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) that would have a direct impact on eventual settlement of the Utah area. Outlines pertinent events in Mormon history from the church's 1830 founding in upstate New York through its 1846 exodus from Nauvoo, Illinois. Discusses how early experiences and doctrinal development would shape the Mormons into a pioneer group uniquely qualified to settle the harsh environment of Utah.

    Length: 00:25:00
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 06: Crossings to the West

    Traces the routes of early exploration and settlement expeditions through Utah. Discusses why early settlement companies chose to travel through northern Utah on their way to California while later ones chose to follow less direct routes avoiding Utah altogether. Recounts early impressions of the area made by early explorers (including John C. Fremont) and settlers passing through the state.

    Length: 00:28:45
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 07: A New Land

    Documents trek of first company of Mormons, led by Brigham Young, from Iowa to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Describes their preparations, illustrates their route, recounts their experiences in traveling to the Rocky Mountain region. Examines some considerations taken into account in selecting the Salt Lake Valley as a settlement site.

    Length: 00:26:45
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 08: Colonizing the West

    Characterizes Mormon leaders within the context of their endeavors to organize migration to and expansion well beyond the Salt Lake Valley. Highlights Brigham Young's background as leader of these efforts. Offers biographical sketches of other Mormon leaders as well as common settlers. Mentions the role of the provisional state of Deseret. Discusses the extent of the colonization effort, its purposes and accomplishments.

    Length: 00:28:50
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 09: A Bootstrap Economy

    Illustrates how early Mormon leaders established a degree of regional self-sufficiency by emphasizing agricultural development and subsidizing new industrial development with church funds. Analyzes the resulting tie between religious values and economic development.

    Length: 00:29:57
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 10: Cultural Life in Deseret

    Portrays a selection of social and artistic endeavors pursued by settlers in nineteenth century Utah. Examines dancing, theatre, art, architecture, and the musical heritage of brass bands and choral performances as practiced in pioneer Utah. Reveals the social function of art in a religious community that stressed group participation over individual expression.

    Length: 00:30:18
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 11: Troubled Times-the 1850s in Utah

    Recounts and analyzes a series of crises which threatened the Mormon commonwealth during the 1850s. Problems began with the crop failure of 1855. The "Utah War" flared and federal troops were stationed at Camp Floyd. A massacre at Mountain Meadows was the bloody climax to a decade of hardship.

    Length: 00:31:07
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 12: Utah's Indians in the 1800s

    Documents the attitude Utah whites had toward the Indians inhabiting the area. Points out that, although eager to live in harmony with the native peoples, the Mormons shared prejudices common to the frontier peoples of the time and did not hesitate to encroach upon Indian lands. Examines the conflicts between the Indians and settlers in the latter half of the 1800s.

    Length: 00:24:13
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 13: Coming of the Railroad

    Recalls the impact of political, economic, and social events occurring in Utah after the completion of the transcontinental railroad. Presents contrasting lifestyles of Mormons and gentiles (non-Mormons) who were transported into the area in increasing numbers by the train.

    Length: 00:29:58
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 14: The Americanization of Utah

    Delineates the economical, social, and political values of Utah Mormons that were alien to the rest of the United States. Emphasizes the role polygamy played in delaying the granting of statehood to the territory of Utah.

    Length: 00:31:22
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 15: The New Pioneers

    Describes the series of events that brought successive waves of Italian, Greek, and Slavic immigrants to Utah around the turn of the century. Features brief histories of these and other peoples (including Japanese, Chinese, Jews and Blacks) in the state of Utah. Illustrates how each of these ethnic groups, along with their various cultures and lifestyles, have been largely assimilated and have given Utah more of an American cast than it otherwise might have had.

    Length: 00:28:38
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 16: The Organization of Utah Labor

    Traces the historical development of organized labor in Utah. Recounts the formation of radical unions that flourished after the arrival of ethnic immigrants and declined during the twenties soon after Joe Hill was executed in the state. Analyzes union relations with the Mormon church and explains why unionism in Utah has relied for the most part on non-Mormon support.

    Length: 00:26:07
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 17: Progressive Reform in the Beehive State

    Presents Utah's response to the muckraking and reform sentiments of the Progressive Era. Concludes that scholarly assessments of Utah's involvement in the movement differ, yet conservation, railroad regulation, and improved labor conditions were among prominent Utah concerns during the period.

    Length: 00:29:50
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 18: War, Depression, and War 1917-1945

    Documents Utah's involvement in World Wars I and II. Investigates how the Great Depression and New Deal policies affected the state. Sets stage for Utah's emergence into the modern era.

    Length: 00:29:07
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 19: Cultural Life in the Twentieth Century

    Presents a broad review of many forms of cultural expression practiced in Utah. Seeks for meaning in and understanding of these performing/visual/folk arts, spectator sports, recreational activities, and architectural forms. Suggests some cultural arts that are distinctive to the state. Encourages continued support of cultural and artistic expression.

    Length: 00:29:50
  • A Peoples' History of Utah: Episode 20: Utah-Today and Tomorrow

    Briefly reviews man's historical development in the area located within the present borders of the state of Utah. Investigates contemporary social issues shaping the destiny of the state including: population growth, industrial and economic development, recreational enhancement, and political activism.

    Length: 00:29:07



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