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Video Details

Branches on the Tree of Life

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Science
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Branches on the Tree of Life: Rotifers and Nematodes (Audio Described Video)

    The diversity of rotifers is stunning, and this program shows many different species. Planktonic rotifers have special adaptations for open water life. Nematodes (round-worms) include a number of important human parasites, seldom seen but easily found. Tree moss, leaf litter, and compost piles swarm with nematodes.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Algae

    The term algae is a catchall for several evolutionary lines of photosynthetic organisms: dinoflagellates: red algae (plastids with chlorophyll A); diatoms, yellow-brown algae and brown algae (chlorophylls A and C); and green algae (chlorophylls A and B). This program explores the diversity, structure, ecological roles and modern classification of these vital primary producers.

    Length: 00:19:21
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Algae (Audio Described)

    The term algae is a catchall for several evolutionary lines of photosynthetic organisms: dinoflagellates: red algae (plastids with chlorophyll A); diatoms, yellow-brown algae and brown algae (chlorophylls A and C); and green algae (chlorophylls A and B). This program explores the diversity, structure, ecological roles and modern classification of these vital primary producers.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Annelids

    Phylum Annelida, the segmented worms include earthworms and aquatic worms such as Tubifex (class Oligochaeta), marine worms including Nereis and thousands of other species that live mostly in muddy ocean habitats (class Polychaeta), and leeches (class Hirudinea). Segmentation, organ systems, and similar larval development unite these diverse worms.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Annelids (Audio Described)

    Phylum Annelida, the segmented worms include earthworms and aquatic worms such as Tubifex (class Oligochaeta), marine worms including Nereis and thousands of other species that live mostly in muddy ocean habitats (class Polychaeta), and leeches (class Hirudinea). Segmentation, organ systems, and similar larval development unite these diverse worms.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Arthropods

    Arthropods are the most successful phylum in the animal kingdom. The program describes the phylum characteristics and major groups of arthropods: crustaceans (copepods, ostracods, cladocerans, amphipods, isopods, eubranchiopods, decapods, and barnacles), chelicerates (scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whipscorpions, spiders, ticks, and mites), and the uniramians, a major evolutionary branch that includes centipedes, millipedes, and insects. Throughout this program the focus is on adaptations, life cycles, and evolutionary relationships.

    Length: 00:25:16
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Arthropods (Audio Described)

    Arthropods are the most successful phylum in the animal kingdom. The program describes the phylum characteristics and major groups of arthropods: crustaceans (copepods, ostracods, cladocerans, amphipods, isopods, eubranchiopods, decapods, and barnacles), chelicerates (scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whipscorpions, spiders, ticks, and mites), and the uniramians, a major evolutionary branch that includes centipedes, millipedes, and insects. Throughout this program the focus is on adaptations, life cycles, and evolutionary relationships.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Bacteria

    The surprising range of behavior seen in living bacteria, how bacteria obtain nutrients through "external digestion," and how to use sterile techniques for culturing and studying them. The program shows the vital roles bacteria play in maintaining the biosphere through oxygen production (by cyanobacteria), decomposition and nitrogen fixation.

    Length: 00:16:55
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Bacteria (Audio Described)

    The surprising range of behavior seen in living bacteria, how bacteria obtain nutrients through "external digestion," and how to use sterile techniques for culturing and studying them. The program shows the vital roles bacteria play in maintaining the biosphere through oxygen production (by cyanobacteria), decomposition and nitrogen fixation.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Chordates

    The Phylum Chordata includes tunicates, sea lancelets, hagfish, and all familiar vertebrate animals. This program explores how these seemingly diverse animals evolved and how the group is unified by four characteristic structures: a hollow dorsal nerve chord, a supportive notochord, gill slits, and a post-anal tail. Key milestones in vertebrate evolution included improvements in swimming and feeding, the evolution of paired fins and primitive lung, movement onto the land, and the role of the amniotic egg.

    Length: 00:18:08
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Chordates (Audio Described)

    The Phylum Chordata includes tunicates, sea lancelets, hagfish, and all familiar vertebrate animals. This program explores how these seemingly diverse animals evolved and how the group is unified by four characteristic structures: a hollow dorsal nerve chord, a supportive notochord, gill slits, and a post-anal tail. Key milestones in vertebrate evolution included improvements in swimming and feeding, the evolution of paired fins and primitive lung, movement onto the land, and the role of the amniotic egg.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Cnidarians

    Cnidarians begins with a remarkable series of observations on Hydra including: habitat, structure, feeding, nematocyst discharge, locomotion (by looping), and its sexual and asexual reproductive strategies. Obelia illustrates the two-stage life cycle found in many cnidarians. Examining the biology of jellyfish (class Scyphozoa), sea anemones, and corals (class Anthozoa) rounds out our treatment of phylum Cnidaria.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Cnidarians (Audio Described)

    Cnidarians begins with a remarkable series of observations on Hydra including: habitat, structure, feeding, nematocyst discharge, locomotion (by looping), and its sexual and asexual reproductive strategies. Obelia illustrates the two-stage life cycle found in many cnidarians. Examining the biology of jellyfish (class Scyphozoa), sea anemones, and corals (class Anthozoa) rounds out our treatment of phylum Cnidaria.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Echinoderms

    They have spiny skins, internal skeletons and elaborate hydraulic systems used in locomotion and food getting--and they all live in the sea. Examining echinoderm life-styles shows that seastars (Class Asteroidea) are predators, brittle stars and basket stars (Class Ophiuroidea) are detritus feeders, urchins and sand dollars (Class Echinoidea) are herbivores, sea cucumbers (Class Holothuoidea) feed on detritus and plankton.

    Length: 00:14:56
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Echinoderms (Audio Described)

    They have spiny skins, internal skeletons and elaborate hydraulic systems used in locomotion and food getting--and they all live in the sea. Examining echinoderm life-styles shows that seastars (Class Asteroidea) are predators, brittle stars and basket stars (Class Ophiuroidea) are detritus feeders, urchins and sand dollars (Class Echinoidea) are herbivores, sea cucumbers (Class Holothuoidea) feed on detritus and plankton.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Flatworms

    The structure, behavior, and life cycles of planarians and their free-living relatives (class Turbellaria). It illustrates the bizarre life cycles of flukes (class Trematoda) and tapeworms (class Cestoda) with detailed animations and revealing images of these parasites in action.

    Length: 00:14:52
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Flatworms (Audio Described)

    The structure, behavior, and life cycles of planarians and their free-living relatives (class Turbellaria). It illustrates the bizarre life cycles of flukes (class Trematoda) and tapeworms (class Cestoda) with detailed animations and revealing images of these parasites in action.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Fungi

    Fungi explores the structure, life cycles, ecology, classification, and evolutionary relationships of four major lines of fungi: Chytrids, Zygomycetes (various molds), Ascomycetes (yeasts, cup fungi, and most lichens), and Basidiomycetes (rusts and mushrooms).

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Fungi (Audio Described)

    Fungi explores the structure, life cycles, ecology, classification, and evolutionary relationships of four major lines of fungi: Chytrids, Zygomycetes (various molds), Ascomycetes (yeasts, cup fungi, and most lichens), and Basidiomycetes (rusts and mushrooms).

    Length: 00:26:40
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Lakes, Ponds, and Wetlands

    This module places many of the organisms studied in biology into an ecological perspective: hydras, planarians, annelids, aquatic insects, rotifers, and protists, all interesting organisms that provide food for fish and other vertebrates.

    Length: 00:29:47
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Lakes, Ponds, and Wetlands (Audio Described)

    This module places many of the organisms studied in biology into an ecological perspective: hydras, planarians, annelids, aquatic insects, rotifers, and protists, all interesting organisms that provide food for fish and other vertebrates.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Molluscs

    Detailed observations on chitons (class Polyplacophora), snails and nudibranchs (class Gastrapoda); clams, scallops, and mussels (class Bivalvia); tooth shells (class Scaphopoda); and squid and octopus (class Cephalopoda) with emphasis on their structures, behaviors, and adaptations.

    Length: 00:14:54
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Molluscs (Audio Described)

    Detailed observations on chitons (class Polyplacophora), snails and nudibranchs (class Gastrapoda); clams, scallops, and mussels (class Bivalvia); tooth shells (class Scaphopoda); and squid and octopus (class Cephalopoda) with emphasis on their structures, behaviors, and adaptations.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Plants

    Clear graphic animation is used to describe the molecular level mechanisms of photosynthesis. Major plant groups include mosses, liverworts, ferns, horsetails, and the seed plants (gymnosperms and flowering plants). This is a good general introduction to the members of the green kingdom and their life cycles.

    Length: 00:17:51
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Plants (Audio Described)

    Clear graphic animation is used to describe the molecular level mechanisms of photosynthesis. Major plant groups include mosses, liverworts, ferns, horsetails, and the seed plants (gymnosperms and flowering plants). This is a good general introduction to the members of the green kingdom and their life cycles.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Protists

    The term "protist" covers a wide range of microscopic organisms formerly clumped into "Kingdom Protista." New molecular analyses show that the protistan lines of evolution go so far back in time they can be considered as different kingdoms of life. Through stunning photography of living protists, students are introduced to amoebas, flagellates, algae, and the elegant ciliated protists in ten learning modules.

    Length: 00:19:59
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Protists (Audio Described)

    The term "protist" covers a wide range of microscopic organisms formerly clumped into "Kingdom Protista." New molecular analyses show that the protistan lines of evolution go so far back in time they can be considered as different kingdoms of life. Through stunning photography of living protists, students are introduced to amoebas, flagellates, algae, and the elegant ciliated protists in ten learning modules.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes (Audio Described)

    Observations and up-to-date information on round worms including a number of important human parasites. Thirteen common rotifer species illustrate this diverse group of microscopic animals. Bryozoans have evolved remarkable filter-feeding strategies that are observed in freshwater and marine species. Gastrotrichs, tardigrades (water bears), nemerteans, and a recently discovered phylum, Gnathostomulida, acquaint students with many of the lesser-known branches of animal life.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Rotifers & Nematodes

    Observations and up-to-date information on round worms including a number of important human parasites. Thirteen common rotifer species illustrate this diverse group of microscopic animals. Bryozoans have evolved remarkable filter-feeding strategies that are observed in freshwater and marine species. Gastrotrichs, tardigrades (water bears), nemerteans, and a recently discovered phylum, Gnathostomulida, acquaint students with many of the lesser-known branches of animal life.

    Length: 00:18:48
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Seashores

    The Biology of Seashores modular approach makes it ideal for teaching concepts of life science and ecology by focusing on intertidal ecology and the diversity of life found at the seashore.

    Length: 00:30:09
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Seashores (Audio Described)

    The Biology of Seashores modular approach makes it ideal for teaching concepts of life science and ecology by focusing on intertidal ecology and the diversity of life found at the seashore.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Sponges

    Imagine an animal with no mouth, no digestive system, no excretory or circulatory organs, no brain nor nervous system, and no movement as an adult. In spite of their simple nature, sponges are actually one of the most fascinating animal phyla, when viewed in developmental, ecological, and evolutionary terms. Through animations and time-lapse microscopy, this program clarifies the structure, function, classification, and ecological roles of sponges.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Sponges (Audio Described)

    Imagine an animal with no mouth, no digestive system, no excretory or circulatory organs, no brain nor nervous system, and no movement as an adult. In spite of their simple nature, sponges are actually one of the most fascinating animal phyla, when viewed in developmental, ecological, and evolutionary terms. Through animations and time-lapse microscopy, this program clarifies the structure, function, classification, and ecological roles of sponges.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Viruses

    The Biology of Viruses introduces these strange parasitic entities - little more than packages of genetic information that subvert cells into producing more viruses. This program begins with our 1980 film presentation of viruses, which has proven to be an excellent general introduction, presented with all new animation. A new six minute section introduces "retroviruses" and describes the HIV infective cycle.

    Length: 00:17:44
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of Viruses (Audio Described)

    The Biology of Viruses introduces these strange parasitic entities - little more than packages of genetic information that subvert cells into producing more viruses. This program begins with our 1980 film presentation of viruses, which has proven to be an excellent general introduction, presented with all new animation. A new six minute section introduces "retroviruses" and describes the HIV infective cycle.

    Length: 00:00:00



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