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Video Details

Inside the Living Cell

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Science
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Are Controlled

    Illustrations show how genetic instructions carried on DNA are transcribed into RNA, leading to the production of specific enzymes that control the thousands of biochemical processes going on in living cells.

    Length: 00:13:09
  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells are Controlled (Audio Described)

    Illustrations show how genetic instructions carried on DNA are transcribed into RNA, leading to the production of specific enzymes that control the thousands of biochemical processes going on in living cells.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Obtain Energy

    Illustrates the mechanisms of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It introduces ATP, the universal energy carrier molecules that supplies energy hungry reactions, and shows the structure and function of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria, energy transforming organelles.

    Length: 00:14:01
  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Obtain Energy (Audio Described)

    Illustrates the mechanisms of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It introduces ATP, the universal energy carrier molecules that supplies energy hungry reactions, and shows the structure and function of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria, energy transforming organelles.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Reproduce

    A good way to observe reproducing cells is to start with a sparse population of protozoa. A sample of water from a shallow pond, gutter, flowerpot, or ditch is a good source. Examine the sample through a microscope and look for microbes, specifically for dividing microbes.

    Length: 00:14:37
  • Inside the Living Cell: How Cells Reproduce (Audio Described)

    A good way to observe reproducing cells is to start with a sparse population of protozoa. A sample of water from a shallow pond, gutter, flowerpot, or ditch is a good source. Examine the sample through a microscope and look for microbes, specifically for dividing microbes.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Inside the Living Cell: The Cell - Unit of Life

    The kinds of cells and emphasizes the fact that all cells have a common organization and how all cells carry out similar biochemical processes.

    Length: 00:14:53
  • Inside the Living Cell: The Cell - Unit of Life (Audio Described)

    The kinds of cells and emphasizes the fact that all cells have a common organization and how all cells carry out similar biochemical processes.

    Length: 00:00:00
  • Inside the Living Cell: The Outer Envelope

    Here students become acquainted with the properties of the plasma membrane, how it governs the kinds of molecules that go in and out of cells, and how cells feed by engulfing (phagocytosis) and drink in fluids by pinocytosis.

    Length: 00:14:38
  • Inside the Living Cell: The Outer Envelope (Audio Described)

    Here students become acquainted with the properties of the plasma membrane, how it governs the kinds of molecules that go in and out of cells, and how cells feed by engulfing (phagocytosis) and drink in fluids by pinocytosis.

    Length: 00:00:00



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