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Video Details

The Perilous Fight

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • The Perilous Fight. Episode 01-Infamy: 1919 - 1942.

    World War II was the first war to be recorded extensively on color film - mostly by Americans. For years, much of that color footage remained unseen and unknown. THE PERILOUS FIGHT: AMERICA'S WORLD WAR II IN COLOR, narrated by acclaimed actor Martin Sheen, brings America's wartime experience - on the battlefield and at home - vividly and intimately to life. The series, which features no still photographs, black and white film or interviews, is a unique and telling look at how America faced a catastrophic conflict. Episode One takes viewers from the years leading up to the outbreak of the Second World War, through the Nazi invasion of Poland that triggered Britain's and France's declaration of war on Germany, to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Midway.

    Length: 00:53:47
  • The Perilous Fight. Episode 02-Battlefronts: 1942 - 1944.

    World War II was the first war to be recorded extensively on color film - mostly by Americans. For years, much of that color footage remained unseen and unknown. THE PERILOUS FIGHT: AMERICA'S WORLD WAR II IN COLOR, narrated by acclaimed actor Martin Sheen, brings America's wartime experience - on the battlefield and at home - vividly and intimately to life. The series, which features no still photographs, black and white film or interviews, is a unique and telling look at how America faced a catastrophic conflict. Episode Two focuses on the years 1942 to 1944, from the massive buildup of America's military and industrial capabilities to preparations for D-Day.

    Length: 00:53:28
  • The Perilous Fight. Episode 03-Wrath: D-Day to VE-Day.

    World War II was the first war to be recorded extensively on color film - mostly by Americans. For years, much of that color footage remained unseen and unknown. THE PERILOUS FIGHT: AMERICA'S WORLD WAR II IN COLOR, narrated by acclaimed actor Martin Sheen, brings America's wartime experience - on the battlefield and at home - vividly and intimately to life. The series, which features no still photographs, black and white film or interviews, is a unique and telling look at how America faced a catastrophic conflict. Episode Three focuses on the European theater during the months between D-Day, in June 1944, and V-E Day, in May 1945.

    Length: 00:53:47
  • The Perilous Fight. Episode 04-Triumph: The Pacific 1943 - 1945.

    World War II was the first war to be recorded extensively on color film - mostly by Americans. For years, much of that color footage remained unseen and unknown. THE PERILOUS FIGHT: AMERICA'S WORLD WAR II IN COLOR, narrated by acclaimed actor Martin Sheen, brings America's wartime experience - on the battlefield and at home - vividly and intimately to life. The series, which features no still photographs, black and white film or interviews, is a unique and telling look at how America faced a catastrophic conflict. Episode Three focuses on the European theater during the months between D-Day, in June 1944, and V-E Day, in May 1945.

    Length: 00:53:52



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