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Video Details

Genetics: How Traits Are Inherited

Next Airing: Wed, Feb 19th, 2025 at 10:41 AM on UEN-TV
Length: 00:15:24
Usage rights: Expires 7/31/2028

Availability information for this program

Why do you have brown eyes like your dad and not blue eyes like your mom? In this video, we learn how traits are inherited. This is called genetics! Experimenting with pea plants in the late 19th century, Gregor Mendel laid the foundation of modern genetic science. In this video, we learn about Punnett squares and how our genes are put together. We go through terms like zygote, cell division, chromosome, cross-breeding and clones. We investigate the difference between dominant and recessive traits, and what determines whether a gamete develops into a girl or boy!



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