Video Details
Oregon Field Guide
Next Airing: | Fri, Mar 14th, 2025 at 11:00 PM on KUED-HD |
Availability information for this program
For over 30 years, "Oregon Field Guide" has been Oregon Public Broadcasting's weekly TV news magazine exploring the ecological issues, natural wonders and outdoor recreation of the Northwest.
After Fire Wildlife Cameras, Red Fox, Pdx Mountain
We return to the site of recent wildfires to find a reason to hope; At first glance, it’s just a fox, but this fox has outfoxed even the best researchers; Portland mountain bikers have a new trail to enjoy close to home in the Tillamook State Forest; Fort Creek Photo Essay.
Next Airing: Fri, Mar 14th, 2025 at 11:00 PM on KUED-HD Length: 00:25:10 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Adaptive Skiing, Living Snow, Willamette River Fer
Meet a group who is helping make sure the feeling of joy that comes from skiing is available to everyone. That pink snow that appears in the mountain contains a secret: it’s alive. Take a slow ride on a Willamette River ferry boat.
Length: 00:25:38 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Alpha Farm, Freshwater Mussels, Unlikely Hikers
Meet the residents of one of Oregon's oldest intentional living communities, tucked in the scenic valley of Deadwood, Oregon. Learn about the fascinating role Freshwater Mussels play in our rivers. And meet Jenny Bruso who encourages people of all genders, races, shapes and sizes to get outside.
Length: 00:29:45 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Cave Critters, Sand Sifting, Umpqua Steelhead Guar
Discover new species in Oregon caves. Join Oregon coast volunteers who sift the sand for micro-plastics. Meet a man who guards a pool on the Umpqua River where wild steelhead congregate. Enjoy a photo essay depicting morning in the coastal community of Garibaldi.
Length: 00:28:31 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Columbia River Water Trail, Grey Owls, Gorge Model
A water trail on the Columbia River makes for a special multi-day paddle trip. They’re called ghosts of the forest, because spotting a great grey owl in the wild takes extreme patience. Let's have some fun with an epic model railroad replica of an iconic Oregon landscape.
Length: 00:28:49 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Crater Lake Ski Expedition/Tower Engineers
This season's premiere episode takes us to Crater Lake, where "Oregon Field Guide" joins three adventurous women who spend 4 days circumnavigating Crater Lake on x-country skis. And have you ever wondered how OPB manages to transmit its signal all the way across our state? And Parkdale in the winter stunning photo essay.
Length: 00:29:30 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Crossing The Urban/Rural Divide
In 2005, just as it seemed Oregon's urban-rural divide had grown into an unbridgeable chasm, a handful of ranchers from rural Grant county did the unexpected. They invited kids from Portland's Sunnyside Environmental school to live and work alongside them and see their side of life. The Urban-Rural exchange has continued every year since.
Length: 00:28:32 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Disappearing Meadows
Natural meadows – from the high cascades to the coast – are disappearing. The reasons include climate warming, fire suppression, grazing, debris flows, etc. that encourage invasive plants and trees to take over open ground. We follow researchers as they track the progress of the destruction and restoration teams stemming the loss of these diverse ecosystems and the species that depend on them.
Length: 00:28:26 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Dog Sled Racing, Newport Fishmonger, Hood River Or
Discover what it takes to compete in the Eagle Cap Extreme dog sled races in northeastern Oregon; meet a fishmonger who brings the bounty of the Pacific from the docs of Newport to her loyal customers; enjoy a photo essay of orchard trees in blossom in the Hood River Valley
Length: 00:25:58 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Drones In Research, Eelgrass & Oysters, The Shire,
We join scientists at work to see how drones are changing the way field research is done. With climate change taking a toll on the region’s oysters, some shellfish farmers are looking to a native grass to help. A peaceful retreat in the woods, called The Shire, played an outsized role in the preservation of the Columbia River Gorge. And enjoy a stunning photo essay of the Valley of The Giants.
Length: 00:28:48 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Food from the Wild
Oregon Field Guide celebrates food from the wild. Meet the dogs that have a nose for some of the finest truffles on earth. Visit a thriving cranberry farm on the Oregon Coast. See how a bounty to be had, for free, if you know where to look in nature and it’s hard to improve on a beautiful, sunny autumn day, but if you had to, you might add some apple cider.
Length: 00:29:32 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Losing Our Dark Skies, Bikepacking, Willamette Val
Our bright lights are robbing wildlife of the night’s natural darkness; two adventurers go by bike from Portland to the Oregon Coast; an aerial flight over Oregon’s picturesque Willamette Valley.
Length: 00:27:49 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Murrelets, Lavender Farming, Beach Riffles
Marbled murrelets have long been a mystery to science. But now their survival, as well as the fate of millions of acres of coastal forests, depends on discovering what these seabirds need to survive. Not only is lavender one of the loveliest and most fragrant flowers, it’s also one of the most useful. A photo essay on riffles in the sand.
Length: 00:26:58 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Najiah Knight, Condit Dam, Dog Mountain
In many small towns, rodeo is a big part of community life. Meet Najiah Knight, a 14-year old Native American rodeo star from Arlington, Oregon. When Condit dam was blown up a decade ago, everyone had high expectations for what the future of a free-flowing white Salmon river might look like. How did things turn out? A visual journey to Dog Mountain, thanks to the photography of Michael Bendixen.
Length: 00:27:25 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Old Growth, Climate & Songbirds, Snorkel Survey, M
Scientists are finding that certain songbirds are thriving in Oregon's old growth forests, even as they're declining in numbers elsewhere. Every year, volunteers snorkel Northern California’s entire Salmon River watershed to count — and hopefully protect — its Spring Chinook. And meet master gardener Ron Spendal who has taken it on himself to learn more about mason bees, a backyard favorite.
Length: 00:29:24 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Pink Phoenix, American Pika, Miller Lake Lamprey
Dragon boat racing is a popular Portland pastime. Meet the women of Pink Phoenix, America’s first breast-cancer survivor dragon boat team. In 2016, we introduced you to an isolated population of American pika living in the Columbia River Gorge. How did these pika fare after the massive Eagle Creek fire? Rehabilitation efforts underway by biologists to return native Lamprey fish to Miller lake.
Length: 00:26:27 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Sea Otters, Fish Trap and Smith Rock Escape
Scientists wonder if we have learned enough to bring sea otters back to the Oregon coast again. Fish traps were banned from the Columbia River more than 80 years ago, but if reintroduced, could they help save endangered salmon? Local climbers find freedom and release in scaling Smith Rock when the State Park finally reopens after months of Covid-related closures.
Length: 00:27:46 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Three Sisters Backcountry Ski Huts, Oregon Bees, S
Three beginning skiers take on a 22-mile trek through the Three-Sisters backcountry using a unique hut system. Oregon is home to a dazzling array of native bees. But no one knows just how many species live here, or if their numbers are declining or holding steady. Now a statewide project wants to find out. And every year, steam enthusiasts bring their boats to Klamath Lake.
Length: 00:29:42 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Tillamook Rock Lighthouse
Tillamook Rock is home to the notorious "Terrible Tillie" lighthouse. Built in 1879, the lighthouse warned ships away from Tillamook Head for some 80 years before the storm-prone outpost proved too difficult to maintain. Today, it is a privately owned "columbarium" as well as a federally managed wildlife refuge.
Length: 00:29:30 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Timber Wars
Three stories that examine the 30-year legacy of the timber wars in the northwest. Scientists get creative to locate the last spotted owls in Oregon; a small town celebrates its logging history; and a unique partnership between environmentalists and timber workers looks to move beyond a history of conflict.
Length: 00:28:43 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Tree Rings & Earthquakes, Avalanche Dogs, Wood Riv
Northwest scientists are using ancient trees to uncover the seismic history of the region. Anyone who’s been to a ski resort knows that the folks in red jackets are looking out for your safety. At Mount Bachelor, there’s a special unit dedicated just to avalanche rescue – and the training starts young!
Length: 00:25:24 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Tribal Land Transfer, Sea Jellies, Buzz Holmstrom
Native Americans on Oregon’s north coast are reunited with 18 acres of their homeland in Seaside, Oregon. Join the Field Guide team behind the scenes at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, where a ‘jelly mom offers an up-close look at the fascinating world of sea jellies. Author Vince Welch tells the story of Oregon River Legend Buzz Holmstrom, who died mysteriously on the Grande Ronde.
Length: 00:27:42 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Urban Falconry, Fishers, Bts Tallest Trees, Olympi
Downtown Portland is a surprisingly homey habitat for crows. But these falcons are here to make downtown a little less welcome. We meet yet another furry predator returning to the forests of the Northwest. Then we’ll take you behind the scenes to show you how fearless Oregon Field Guide photographer Todd Sonflieth is, and a stunning photo essay of the Olympic Coast.
Length: 00:28:29 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038 -
Wildlife of Wildfire, Abandoned Oregon, Cartograph
Wildlife of the northwest who depend on fire to survive, stories behind abandoned Oregon’s relic homesteads and a cartographer who sees map creation as art.
Length: 00:29:21 Usage rights: Expires 1/18/2038