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Video Details

Sick Day for Amos McGee

Next Airing: Tue, Apr 1st, 2025 at 9:37 AM on UEN-TV
Length: 00:09:52
Usage rights: 8/15/2013 to 6/30/2028

Availability information for this program

The story of a zookeeper whose devotion is repaid when he falls ill. On most days, the elderly Amos rides the bus to the zoo, plays chess with the elephant ("who thought and thought before making a move"), sits quietly with the penguin, and spends time with his other animal friends. But when Amos catches a cold, the animals ride the bus to pay him a visit, each, in a charming turnabout, doing for Amos whatever he usually does for them. The elephant sets up the chessboard; the shy penguin sits on the bed, "keeping Amos's feet warm." Erin Stead's elegant woodblock prints, breathtaking in their delicacy, contribute to the story's tranquility and draw subtle elements to viewers' attention: the grain of the woodblocks themselves, Amos's handsome peacock feather coverlet. Every face - Amos's as well as the animals' - brims with personality. Philip Stead's narrative moves with deliberate speed, dreaming up a joyous life for the sort of man likely to be passed on the street without a thought. Ages 2-6.



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