Video Details
Teen Kids News
Grade Levels: | 6 - 12 |
Core Subject(s): | Social Studies |
Website: | |
Next Airing: | Wed, Mar 19th, 2025 at 3:30 PM on UEN-TV |
Availability information for this program
TEEN KIDS NEWS is a dynamic news program for teens and pre-teens by teens. The half-hour weekly program provides information and news to students in a way that's educational as well as entertaining. The focus of the program is young people, so all the stories are in their words. This program inserts the clear, informed voice of students into the adult-dominated media and provides a unique perspective that is not currently available on network news programs. Weekly Reader provides educational content and works with teachers nationwide to download scripts to teach public speaking, reading and writing skills. Executive Producer Albert T. Primo, who created the Eyewitness News format, and Eyewitness News Producer Alan Weiss are producing the program, which airs in 200 cities across the country, and 170 countries.
Freedom of the Press, and Keep Failing Till You Succeed!
A BLOCK: Freedom of the press. It’s a term we often hear. And we probably think it just applies to newspapers, magazines and news programs that are run by adults. But as Alexandra reports, freedom of the press is a big concern for students as well. B BLOCK: Let’s face it, failures are part of life. And while no one likes to fail, fear of failing shouldn’t stop you from trying something outside your comfort zone. Emily’s “If at First” shows us how trying can often lead to success. We can all use some advice on how to do our best in school. So, we bring you another “Make the Grade” report from Christin – this one on how to start building your resume, even if you’re in middle school. C BLOCK: You may be the victim of a crime and not even know it – that crime is identity theft. Katarina talks to an expert about what to look out for and how to protect yourself. Whether from drinking alcohol or using any type of drugs, driving “ under the influence” is dangerous. And the National Road Safety Foundation wants you to remember that, so they produced this short video. D BLOCK: It’s been called the “Mona Lisa of American coins. The 1913 liberty head nickel is worth millions. Benjamin explains why. E BLOCK: No food is more quintessentially Italian than: PIZZA! In SEEING Sicily this week, Ava discovers what makes real Sicilian pizza different than other pizza throughout Italy.
Next Airing: Wed, Mar 19th, 2025 at 3:30 PM on UEN-TV Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
Ap Exams Are Changing
A BLOCK: Benjamin tells us how the fear of war ended up creating a test, thousands of high school students take every year – the Advanced Placement Exam. And we find out now, AP exams are changing. B BLOCK: Alexandra’s report has the details on how teens across the country can enter the annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest, sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation. This year’s topic is sharing the road. George explains why your fingernails may look longer. C BLOCK: In “If At First” Emily tells us how Lady Gaga’s initial failures didn’t hold her back or get in the way of achieving great success. Brendan shares the top five favorite instruments to learn how to play. D BLOCK: Plastic. It’s one of the main threats to marine life. Which is why it’s so important to recycle. But sadly, not all plastics can be processed by our local recycling centers. In our special two-part report, Ava explores one option for recycling everything. E BLOCK: In part two of her report, Ava takes us on a tour of a TerraCycle facility in NJ, to learn how all the plastic is sorted and recycled.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
Fighting Plastics Pollution
A BLOCK: Alexandra reports on another way that the organization Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans – getting Amazon to reduce, and hopefully eventually eliminate, single use plastics in their packaging. B BLOCK: In “If At First” Emily tells us how a company not only didn’t give up after failing 39 times – they used their failures to come up with the name of their product – WD 40! Ava explains what circular saws, fire escapes, life rafts, windshield wipers, bullet proof vests and laser printers have in common. The National Road Safety Foundation wants to make sure you know that speeding while driving is NEVER a good idea, so they produced this short video. C BLOCK: Athina gets advice from an expert, on how to write the dreaded college admissions essay. Madison tells us about an unusual hotel in Idaho. D BLOCK: Christin is back with a “Make the Grade Report” report about how drawing can help you remember things while study. Have you ever wondered why the previews you see in a movie theatre are called trailers? Well wonder no more, Ava explains. E BLOCK: We’re in the kitchen with Fletch, to learn how to make a puff pastry apple tart that will impress your family friends. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
Oil Spills & Hawaiian Pizza
A BLOCK: In part one of our special two-part lead story, Ava reports on the environmental dangers posed by oil leaking from ships, drilling platforms and pipelines. B BLOCK: Continuing her report, Ava tells us about an innovative program that uses human hair and animal fur to protect our waterways from oil spills. C BLOCK: In “If At First” Emily reveals that Abraham Lincoln faced numerous failures during his early life. Yet he didn’t give up, becoming one of our nation’s most successful presidents. Madison digs into the mystery of why Hawaiian pizza isn’t from Hawaii and California rolls weren’t first created in California. The credit for both foods belongs to our northern neighbor: Canada. D BLOCK: In her “Seeing Sicily” report, Ava takes us on a tour of a stunning archeological discovery: the remains of a mansion containing some of the best preserved and most fascinating mosaics from the days of the Roman Empire. CC: SOCIAL STUDIES Mason explains how a tiny typo ended up costing the U.S. government a whopping $19 million. E BLOCK: What looks like a duck and swims like a duck, but isn’t a duck? Athina introduces us to one of the planet’s oddest creatures: the platypus.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
See A Need, Then Organize!
A BLOCK: A famous person once said that some people see things as they are and ask why? And others dream of things that never were and ask: why not? That pretty much describes the philosophy of the teen Alexandra is about to introduce us to. Adriana Zhang saw a need in her community and created an organization to help fulfill it. B BLOCK: Christin has a “Make the Grade” report to help through the stress many teens often face. Brendan tells us about and “expensive” planet. 55 Canri-e is more than two times larger than Earth and scientists believe a third of the planet might be a huge diamond! C BLOCK: In “If At Frist You Don’t Succeed” Emily tells us how Katy Perry grew up and into her success as a pop star. You might be surprised to find out that something teens do pretty regularly kills more people than sharks. Even if you’re in a rush, speeding while driving is NEVER a good idea. The National Road Safety Foundation wants to make sure you know that. D BLOCK: It’s part of Italy – and yet it’s its own world. It even has its own language. Ava shows us that there truly so much to see in Sicily. E BLOCK: Squeezing the juice out of a lemon can sometimes be a bit tough. Well Katie is back in the kitchen with a tip on how to make it easy! Reese tells us about the unique way the inventor of Pringles chips insisted on being buried. In this report sponsored by the Chicago Auto Show, we get a sneak peek at the cool new cars presented at the Show.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
Sharks, Overcoming Fear, and Studying In Bed!
A BLOCK: Movies like Jaws and the Meg make sharks look like bloodthirsty predators constantly on the hunt for human victims. But as you’ll see from our report, sharks are getting a bad rap. B BLOCK: Too many of us teens are held back by the fear that we might fail. Failing isn’t a dead end. A surprising number of very, very successful people failed – but didn’t give up. A case in point, Queen Bey! In “If At First” this week, Emily tells us how Beyonce didn’t let initial failures stop her. Mason explains what molten rain has to do with life on other planets. C BLOCK: In “Make the Grade” Christin reports on the benefit of doing some of your studying in bed. Here’s a quiz: what’s the deadliest creature on earth (besides humans)? Hint: it’s also one of the smallest. Mackenzie has the answer. Driving while tired is dangerous, that’s why the National Road Safety Foundation shares this video. D BLOCK: You’d probably think that the best place in the world to see ancient Greek ruins would be in Greece. Prepare to be surprised. Ava explains in her “Seeing Sicily” report. Ava has the scoop on one of actress Gal Gadot’s first jobs. E BLOCK: Katie’s back with a “Kitchen Tip” about heating leftovers. George tells us about the giant Japanese spider crab. Katarina’s “Misleading Moniker” will explain why some of our favorite fruits have “berry” confusing names.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025 -
Teens Helping Teens Drive Safely
A BLOCK: Our top story is sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation, an organization that encourages safe driving, especially among teens. And they’ve found that a good way to do that is to involve us teens in developing the important messages. In part one of our special report, we’ll meet some teens who did just that and go behind the scenes as they work on their PSAs for the annual Drive Safe Chicago PSA contest. B BLOCK: In part two of our report on the Drive Safe Chicago PSA contest, we’ll find out how the three finalists placed and see their finished PSAs. C BLOCK: If you like to cook, then you’ll know that sometimes peeling garlic can be a real pain. Well, Katie is back with a “ Kitchen Tip” that will make it a lot easier. March 14 is National Pi Day, Mason, explains why. Ava tells us what dogs smell better than humans, well sort of. D BLOCK: In “Make the Grade” this week, Christin gives us some tips on how to be a good leader. Wanna guess which country’s been voted the happiest in the world year after year? It’s Finland and Athina tells us why. E BLOCK: Brendan reports on the tiny creature that poses a big threat to humans – the mosquito! Ava explains one theory on how the beloved Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie got their names.
Length: 00:22:00 Usage rights: Expires 9/1/2025
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